Five Minutes With Wintana Eyob
Last week we checked in with one of our Many Hands graduates, Wintana Eyob. Wintana was a participant in our Spring 2019 program. A genuine all-rounder and pleasure to work alongside, we were thrilled to have her join us post-graduation to work a number of events last Summer. More recently, Wintana has taken up a role as an administration assistant at Inclusive Australia, which she currently fits in around her final year of a commerce degree at Monash. An eternal optimist with an impressive drive and a calm demeanour, we were eager to see how Wintana had managed during the upheaval of the past few months, and how she was feeling about the days ahead.
Photography: Gold and Grit
What has been the most significant change you’ve experienced since isolation? How are you feeling about it all?
The most significant change since isolation is spending more time with family. Before isolation, the only time I spent with my family was probably during dinner, and sometimes, I would even go for days without having to have ample time to catch-up with my family. This isolation made a big change and now I see my family when I am working and studying online, I eat every meal with them, and see them during every break, which I am grateful for.
What do your work days look like?
I wake up at around 7am, and I try to read something or watch something in bed until 9am. Then I grab a glass of water and get to work. As I am living with my family, somebody will call me later for breakfast and then lunch in the middle of work. I have never enjoyed cooking, so that is a great relief! My work schedule is similar to before, the main difference is that all the meetings are now held online. Zoom calls & phone calls are the main changes. I finish at 5pm, have a little break and then continue studying, either working on an assignment or watching a lecture. If I am too tired, I will just grab a non-academic book to wind up for the day. I love reading books, so there is always a pile of “to read” books waiting, in my bedroom, car, bag just to read whenever I get free time.
We’re obsessed with good morning and night routines at the moment! Any advice to share?
Morning for me is planning something that gets me out of bed, even though I want to stay in bed! This can be watching lectures or reading a book. I like to plan it early enough to force me out of bed and start my day. Otherwise, I might stay in my bed all day long! Night-time, I do what I love, something that I really enjoy, I usually love to read books in my bed before I sleep. Read a word and meditate on it.
What’s helping you to stay inspired?
Well it is hard to mention just one thing, but if I have to, I will say family. Nothing can compare to my relationship with my family and friends. In good and bad times, they are always there.
What do you feel hopeful about?
I feel hopeful knowing that there is a future for those who trust, believe and wait patiently. What kind of future? Well, I don’t know, but certainly a bright one. No matter how the world trembles and shakes, there is an undeniably bright future for those who are persistent and wait patiently. How you define a bright future, depends on what you set your eyes on and look forward to.